Tattoon, Johnson, et al
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This website is built to help complete a genealogy of The Tattoon family, a Mohegan/Pequot genealogy. This genealogy is nested within other genealogies. Surnames of Johnson, Apes/Apess and others are included. These roots were in New England and I found records dating back to the 1600's. On my maternal granmother's mother's side, the surname is Bradley. He owned a plantation at Quallah Boundary, Wilmington, NC - AKA, Cherokee Nation, NC - AKA, Chapel Hill, NC. His name was Henry J. Bradley. His daughter's name, Caroline J. Bradley "Carie", married Fredrick A. Tattoon. Her mother was part of Quallah Boundary but unknown name. However, Irish, English &/or Cherokee descent and possibly named Caroline. They even had their own insignia from England. Caroline relocated to Pomfret, CT, where she met her husband, Fredrick Amos Tattoon and married at age 20. She went to "normal school" (teachers' college) and became a teacher. There was a diary somewhere with all signatures of her classmates, grads and where they're from. She came north because she had friends...during the Carpetbag days, during the Civil War. She had a mammie who came with her called Mammie Shaw, a colored woman. She relocated to Boston, MA, where she had my grandmother, Marguerite Olivia Tattoon. She died in childbirth with pneumonia after 4-5 more kids. The Bradleys were reported as being Christian, Saxtons, traditional.

Caroline J. Bradley dob 6/15/1864 Wilmington, NC; died Feb. 10, 1904 Pomfret, CT
Fredrick Amos Tattoon dob 12/18 1857 Lebanon, CT; m. 12/16/1885 Pomfret, CT; d. ca 12/11/1941 Putnam, CT

My great, great, great grandmother, Mary Ann Apes-Peters Tattoon, born ca 1805 in Hartford, CT (m. Anthony Tattoon Jr.) is the sister of William Apes/Apess, a Pequot Indian, is written about in American Indian and history books. He changed his name by putting an extra "s" on it to 'Apess'. He was a Methodist Preacher, writer and orator, and early Native American activist. He is found all over the internet and in the Wikipedia encyclopedia! His wife was Mary Wood (and a second wife, Elizabeth); his father is my next great grandfather up in my genealogy, born ca 1770 in Colchester. He was no doubt a Jr.

The most notorious William Apes was born Jan 31, 1798 in or near Colrain, MA, and reportedly died in 1839 under mysterious circumstances in NY. For more information on this part of the genealogy, click here .


Family Name Origin and Meaning


A search of the Historical Research Center reveals that your family name held a place of pride in historical records. The following is an actual excerpt from our records for the name Tattoon - "In this case, the English surname Tattoon is of local or toponymic origin, being derived from the name of the place of residence of the initial bearer. In this instance, the surname is derived from the place name Tatton which is located n Cheshire and Dorset. The place name Tatton is itself derived from the Old English "Taet-ton" which means literally "Tate's farm". The personal name Tate-Taet derives from the Old English word for one who is cheerful...." 

There are different types of surname meanings. One comes from the occupation of the bearer; Baker, Miller and Smith are examples. Another derived from where the person lived, like Rivers, Woods or Hill. The first name of an ancestor provides names like Johnson. Another comes from a unique characteristic - Longfellow descibes a tall person. The next comes from attributes of an animal, such as Fox which implies cunning. A belief system gives another type; the name Adams comes from the name of the first man in the Bible. We also find ornamental names like Rose and Silver.

Use of surnames goes back to as early as 2852 BC in China. All countries have developed surnames for tracking taxation, land transfers and inheritance. Our researchers look into books, manuscripts, taxation rolls and other historical sources to find the earliest recorded date for a name. In the case of the family name Tattoon, the earliest recorded date uncovered by our researchers is 1673.

Wider use of surnames has been around for over 1000 years. Each name is derived from a particular country and some developed at the same time in several countries. As people moved from their homeland they introduced theier names; however the origin of their names utlimately derives from their homeland and is a source of pride for families. The origin of the family name Tattoon is England and our records take us right back to this part of the world.

June 19, 2009. [Seal]


Family Name Origin and Meaning


A search of the Historical Research Center reveals that your family name held a place f pride in historical records. The following is an actual excerpt from our records for the name Bradley - "In this case, the surname Bradley is based on the place named Bradley, which is found in over a dozen English countries. Thus the original bearer of this name was known by members of this community as the "one from Bradley." This place name is derived from an Old English term meaning "broad wood or clearing." Early instances of this surname are found prefixed by "de," meaning "of," or "from," a preposition common to surnames of local origin. 

Varianats of the surname Bradley include Bradlaugh and Broadley...." There are different types of surname meanings. One comes from the occupation of the bearer; Baker, Miller and Smith are examples. Another derived from where the person lived, like Rivers, Woods or Hill. The first name of an ancestor provides names like Johnson. Another comes from a unique characteristic - Longfellow descibes a tall person. The next comes from attributes of an animal, such as Fox which implies cunning. A belief system gives another type; the name Adams comes from the name of the first man in the Bible. We also find ornamental names like Rose and Silver.

Use of surnames goes back to as early as 2852 BC in China. All countries have developed surnames for tracking taxation, land transfers and inheritance. Our researchers look into books, manuscripts, taxation rolls and other historical sources to find the earliest recorded date for a name. In the case of the family name Bradley, the earliest recorded date uncovered by our researchers is 1170.

Wider use of surnames has been around for over 1000 years. Each name is derived from a particular country and some developed at the same time in several countries. As people moved from their homeland they introduced theier names; however the origin of their names utlimately derives from their homeland and is a source of pride for families. The origin of the family name Bradley is England and our records take us right back to this part of the world.

June 11, 2009. [Seal]


Family Names and Coat of Arms Report

Specially researched report on why our ancestors got their Family Name
and why there is a Coat of Arms listed under your Family Name

As the complexity of society increased it became necessary for a means to identify individuals and their families. This identification was used primarily for legal reasons such as taxation, transfers of deeds, inheritance and polling. It was no longer sufficient to be known simply as "John". Surnames became the answer to this problem. Fixed surnames, names that are passed down from one generation to the next, developed at different times in each country and culture. We find the earliest fixed surnames in China as long ago as 2500 BC. In Western Europe, it began nearly 1000 years ago. Some countries and cultures were much more recent in using surnames; indeed, there are some cultures that are just now starting to use this practice. What can be said for certain is that once families had a surname, it became a source of pride and honor.

The Development of Heraldry

Another source of pride is the Coat of Arms. If there is a Coat of Arms listed under your family name, consider it an association with your heritage. In the Twelfth Century, the use of Coats f Arms arose almost spontaneously throughout Western Europe.CHief amongst the reasons for this is the use of armor worn from head ot toe. An insignia was required to distinguish friend from foe on the battlefield. This insignia was jealously guarded and passed down from father to son. As part of the training for nights and warriors, tournaments featuring jousting became a great source of entertainment. The officials at these tournaments known as heralds kept track of the armorial decorations used by knights. This led to a system of record keeping and the term heraldry. As heraldry fourished, the heralds developed a specific language that described each Coat o Arms definitively. This language is based upon the ancient Norman French and the words used are almost like a code that can describe even the most intricate designs in a few words.

The Symbolism of Coat of Arms

The person who received the Coat of Arms had the right to create the design of their Coat of Arms. The different symbols and shapes, known as charges, on the Coat of Arms all had symbolic meaning and these were chosn by the initial bearer to reflect the hopes and values of their family. The most obvious of these would be the lion which stands for courage; however, each charge has symbolic meaning. IN some cases, the charge was reflective of the profession or name of the bearer. For instance a person named Fox may have a fox on their Coat of Arms. This is known as canting in heraldry.

Coat of Arms have been with us for centuries and not only royalty bear Coats of Arms. Many people were granted Coats of Arms for service to their country or outstanding achievement in their profession. One thing for certain is that the Coat of Arms is a tremendous source of pride.


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 If you are interested in ordering your own 'family name origin and meaning', and/or Coat of Arms, please send an email with full details.


I am planning to start another newsletter for these genealogies, but I need everyone's cooperation and input. Please let me know what you think!

I am also planning to do a cookbook which will basically include all my own family recipes. This will include my own mother, her mother, friends and any other family members who have recipes they wish to have included. This will be a time-consuming project that I hope to put online. However, it may be advisible for me to put it in the form of an e-book. We'll see. Anyone with ideas &/or input, please contact me.


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